update : 23/12/2020 Pulse 2

Studied version : Website http://www.mandriva.com/fr/pro/pulse Distributed by : Enterprise (Mandriva) Licence : GPL Technologies : C/C++; Python Environments : Linux; Windows; Mac OSX;


Smile 2.7
Visitors 4.0
Global 3.4 5


Pulse 2 is software created by Mandriva for IT inventory management, workstation imaging and remote deployment.

Thanks to an agent installed on each computer, Pulse 2 transmits the workstations' hardware and software characteristics. The agent is also used to allow administrators to remotely control computers via the VNC protocol on a secure channel (SSH). Remote roll-out is done in packages, potentially on a decentralised basis, with reporting and scheduling functionalities. Windows, Mac and Linux platforms are supported. Workstation imaging makes it possible to create masters and to rapidly and remotely install them on computers without any intervention by the administrators (remote control / PXE).

Pulse 2 is distributed under the GPL.

It is built on several technologies: Python, MySQL and C++.

Users opinions

FR Pierre Simon Rate this solution the 23/03/2014

“ En production pour la gestion d'un parc de plus de 5000 machines, j'apprécie particulièrement les fonctionnalités de clonage et masterisation (sysprep) couplé au déploiement automatique d'applications. L'outil de reporting introduit dans la dernière version de Pulse me permet de suivre simplement au quotidien l'evolution de mon parc. Pulse mériterait à être plus connu... ”

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