update : 23/12/2020 Django

Studied version : 1.4.2 Website https://www.djangoproject.com Distributed by : Other (Django Software Foundation) Licence : License1 Technology : Python Year of creation : 2005


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Django is the benchmark for web frameworks in Python. It was created in 2005 by the company Lawrence Journal-World.

Django is based on the MVC paradigm and on the principle of Don't Repeat Yourself, supplying as many pre-existing components as possible, such as a database abstraction layer, a cache system, an infrastructure for form manipulation and data entry validation, a templating engine, an interface for the Python unit testing framework (PyUnit), CRUD interface creation tools and classic web attack prevention systems (XSS, CSRF, SQL injection, etc.). It should be noted that Django is available on the Google App Engine platform. Some of the more noteworthy websites that use Django include Disqus, Pinterest and Instagram.
Django is distributed under the BSD License and developed in Python.

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