update : 23/12/2020 Squash TA

Studied version : 1.7.2 Website http://www.squashtest.org/index.php/fr/squash-ta/decouvrir-squash-ta Distributed by : Enterprise (Henix) Licence : LGPL Technology : Java Environments : Linux; Windows; Year of creation : 2012


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Squash TA is a framework for functional automated testing and is dedicated to the industrialisation of automated test execution.

Squash TA allows: 

  • The performance of robust automated tests, which are less sensitive to SUT (System Under Tests) changes.
  • The industrialisation of test executions. Tests can be repeated at will and the context and the execution environment can be controlled.
  • The management of all automated tests: web applications, webservices, batchs, database ... 
  • The generation of consolidated reports for all automated tests campaigns.

Squash TA has been designed with an extensible architecture: you can complete the tool with new automations or changes / set the existing features to suit your context. Then you may create new plugins to link Squash TA to other robots (ex: Flexmonkey, Test complete ...).
Squash TA is available under two different packages:

  • Squash TA Toolbox packages have all the necessary tools for the creation and execution of automated test scripts. Besides the Squash TA framework, this package consists of open source tools like Eclipse, Jailer (creation of datasets), Selenium, Sahi, SoapUI, etc...
  • Squash TA Server allows Squash TA to be deployed within a runtime server. This package can be used to connect Squash TA with Squash TM. In addition to the framework, it includes tools such as Maven and Jenkins, and the PLCs mentioned before.

Users opinions

FR Karine Guilloux Rate this solution the 16/01/2014

“ Je suis très satisfaite de cet outils. SquashTA est dynamique et bien adapté pour industrialiser l'exécution des tests automatiques. Compatible avec Sahi, j'ai ainsi pu simplifier l'exécution de mes tests, ce qui me fait gagner un temps considérable. ”

7 persons have the same opinion
FR Jean-Marie Rebudat Rate this solution the 15/01/2014
4 persons have the same opinion