update : 23/12/2020 LemonLDAP::NG

Studied version : 1.2.2 Website http://lemonldap-ng.org Distributed by : Other (OW2) Licence : GPL Technology : Perl Year of creation : 2004


Smile 2.7
Visitors 3.9
Global 3.3 5


LemonLDAP::NG is a Web SSO authentication system initiated in 2004 by the company Linagora, and now taken over by the OW2 Consortium. It requires the use of an Apache server, although its reverse proxy mode allows it to be used with applications running on a different server (IIS, Tomcat, etc.).

LemonLDAP::NG makes it possible to base web application authentication on a LDAP directory, but also on many other directories, databases and other systems such as OpenID and SAML. It can also serve as a CAS, OpenID and SAML supplier. Access control can be defined by URL for each application in need of protection, and LemonLDAP::NG provides for access traceability. A web admin interface is also available.
The product is developed in Perl and is easy to personalise, in terms of both its behaviour and its appearance, via a template engine.
LemonLDAP::NG is distributed under the GPL.

Users opinions

FR Xavier Guimard Rate this solution the 23/05/2016

“ Seule solution de gestion des identités à la fois véritablement libre (aucune ressource non disponible librement) et adaptée au monde des entreprises (gestion centralisée des autorisations, interopérabilité avec tous les protocoles d'échange d'identité tels OpenID-Connect, SAML,…). ”

8 persons have the same opinion
FR Clément OUDOT Rate this solution the 21/09/2013

“ Très simple d'installation, configuration en mode texte ou graphique, compatible avec des nombreuses applications web ”

18 persons have the same opinion
FR Florent Pied Rate this solution the 12/09/2013

“ Une bonne solution pour s'interfacer notamment avec un Active Directory. ”

13 persons have the same opinion