update : 23/12/2020 MariaDB

Studied version : 5.5.34 Website https://mariadb.org/ Distributed by : Foundation (MariaDB Foundation) Licence : GPL Technology : C# Year of creation : 2009


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Visitors 4.5
Global 4.4 5


MariaDB is a project born following the acquisition of MySQL by Oracle Corporation.

It is a fork of MySQL, tracking its current evolution and porting it back (currently from MySQL GA 5.5). It was initially created to be a drop-in replacement, meaning it is possible to replace an existing MySQL without any applicative changes whatsoever, providing better performance, transparency and more functionalities.

MariaDB is driven by the MariaDB Foundation, led by Michael Widenius, the original author of MySQL. Because of its more reactive and community-oriented philosophy, MariaDB will shortly be integrated by default in major distributions, replacing MySQL.

MariaDB is mainly developed in C, and is released under the GPLv2 licence (LGPLv2 for its client counterparts).

Users opinions

FR Yvan LHERMET Rate this solution the 30/03/2014

“ En test depuis fevrier 2014 , aucun problème détecté, je n ai pas touché aux clients qui utilisent odbc mysql 5.1. Nous pensons mettre en exploitation bientôt. ”

1 person has the same opinion
FR herve giaiouras Rate this solution the 20/02/2014

“ excellente base donnée qui est un fork de Mysql, l'installation se fait sans difficulté et utilise les mêmes fichiers de configuration. L'intérêt de MariaDB en entreprise est de l'utiliser avec galera cluster et faire de la réplication master-master, cerise sur le gâteau, mettre en place MariaDBManager. Seul inconvénient cette base de donnée travaille uniquement avec InnoDB. A mettre en place sans hésiter pour remplacer Mysql ”