update : 23/12/2020 CouchBase

Studied version : 2.0 Website http://www.couchbase.com/ Distributed by : Other (CouchBase) Licence : License2 Technologies : C/C++; Other


Smile 3.5
Visitors 4.4
Global 4.0 5


Couchbase is one of the most dynamic solutions on the market. It is compatible with CouchDB, which was made popular by the Apache Foundation, and provides a real advantage in terms of managing server clusters.

Additionally, Couchbase shares most of the qualities of CouchDB, first and foremost its support of views built using MapReduce and selective replications between databases. It is also a top tier solution for the construction of mobile applications, given that the database can be deployed to mobile terminals as synchronised (bidirectional) nodes, providing for simpler offline mode management. Couchbase also boasts advantageous bidirectional replication functionalities between datacentres, to ensure service continuity in the event of unavailability of the service. The bidirectional approach further allows the use of both datacentres simultaneously, so that data is as local as possible to the user.
Additionally, Couchbase provides key-value storage support that is compatible with the Memcached API. The major advantage of Couchbase in this area is the possibility of decentralising the Memcached API, providing additional security to applications built on this technology (session and cache storage). This makes it easier to build secure, multi-tenant Memcached clusters.

Users opinions

FR Laurent FOUCHER Rate this solution the 10/10/2014

“ « LA » base de données des projets Big Dada en termes de gestion et de stockage des données non structurées. Alternative aux structures relationnelles elle se prête particulièrement bien aux sites internet grâce notamment à sa « scalability » sans égale sur le marché. Bravo au passage à l’équipe commerciale pour sa disponibilité et son professionnalisme. ”

FR Laurent FOUCHER Rate this solution the 10/10/2014

“ « LA » base de données des projets Big Dada en termes de gestion et de stockage des données non structurées. Alternative aux structures relationnelles elle se prête particulièrement bien aux sites internet grâce notamment à sa « scalability » sans égale sur le marché. Bravo au passage à l’équipe commerciale pour sa disponibilité et son professionnalisme. ”

FR Agnès GUIVARCH Rate this solution the 09/10/2014