update : 23/12/2020 Cassandra

Studied version : 1.1.7 Website http://cassandra.apache.org Distributed by : Foundation (Apache) Licence : License2 Technology : Java Year of creation : 2008


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Cassandra is another NoSQL database. Initially developed by Facebook in 2008, it was later released and its development is now the work of the Apache Foundation.

Cassandra is a column oriented database. Designed for massively distributed roll-outs (potentially across multiple datacentres), Cassandra is one of the most effective databases wherever there is a need to respond to massive data processing issues. Further, its completely decentralised architecture makes it highly resistant to failures. Like most column oriented databases, it is also particularly well suited to business intelligence functions.
Cassandra is distributed under the Apache License.
It is written in Java.

Users opinions

FR Fabien T Rate this solution the 27/07/2015

“ Un bijou technologique. ”