update : 23/12/2020 Compiere

Studied version : 3.2 Website http://www.compiere.com Distributed by : Enterprise (Compiere Inc) Licence : Mozilla MPL Technology : Java Year of creation : 1988


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Compiere was originally developed by Jorg Janke of Germany, backed by his 20 years of experience at SAP then Oracle and his proficiency in the products ADV/Orga, Unisys, R/2 and R/3.

The concept of the application dictionary (a Compiere based meta-programming model used to align relational persistence with the structures of personalised business data and data interfaces) was prototyped in 1988 for SAP, then used in service of the Compiere open source project. The latter has been extremely successful in recent years (especially in the distribution and services sectors), thanks in particular to its support of the Oracle database and its Java base. From a functional standpoint, Compiere is relatively comprehensive, particularly for SMEs/SMIs, for example with sales management, purchasing functions, inventory and logistics functions, accountancy and financial management, production management, etc.
Compiere is distributed under the MPL and is written in Java.

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