update : 23/12/2020 VTiger

Studied version : 5.4 Website http://www.vtiger.com Distributed by : Enterprise (VTiger) Licenses : AGPL ; Mozilla MPL Technology : PHP Year of creation : 2004


Smile 3.2
Visitors 3.8
Global 3.5 5


Vtiger is an open source CRM created from a fork of SugarCRM in 2004. The reason for this fork was to preserve a completely free and 100% open source product at a time when SugarCRM was beginning to diversify its business model by launching commercial editions. Vtiger has been evolving continuously since then.

The latest version (published in November 2010) offers a complete set of functionalities, including reports and dashboards, invoices and organisational (team) access control. Vtiger also has connectors for the most common office automation suites and for messaging clients. More recently, vtiger has taken its first steps in the mobile universe with iPhone and Android apps.
As a company, vtiger operates out of Bangalore, India, and Sunnyvale, California. It is responsible for managing the open source project. It offers technical support, training, migration and other services. The newest version of vtiger CRM offers an even broader functional scope, adding new integrations, import and export functions, reports and more. Vtiger is strongly orientated toward an OnDemand platform model.
The product is built on a LAMP/WAMP platform. Vtiger OnDemand (cloud based) is hosted on the Amazon EC2 platform. The source code from the SugarCRM fork is covered by the SugarCRM Public License and vtiger modifications are under the MPL.

Users opinions

FR Dumoulin ERIC Rate this solution the 16/09/2013

“ Une base technique solide, des possibilités de paramétrage très étendues, VTiger dépasse de loin dans sa version communautaire, SugarCRM dont il est issu à l'origine, que ce soit en terme de fonctionnalités ou d'accès à des plug-ins tiers. On pourra lui reprocher une évolution plutôt lente (toujours dans sa version communautaire), et un manque de documentation en français (les forums anglophones sont eux beaucoup plus riches) ”

9 persons have the same opinion