update : 23/12/2020 Elasticsearch

Studied version : 0.90.5 Website http://www.elasticsearch.org/download/ Distributed by : Enterprise (Elasticsearch) Licence : License2 Technology : Java Year of creation : 2010


Smile 4.0
Visitors 4.3
Global 4.2 5


Elasticsearch is a distributed search engine based on Lucene.

Elasticsearch was created by Shay Banon, the originator of the Compass project, as a replacement for the latter.

Elasticsearch is similar to Solr, both functionally (search server) and technologically (lower layer handled by Lucene).
It differs however from Solr in its heavily distributed approach, which makes it better suited to handle big data issues, even if Solr 4.0 has made up lost ground in this area thanks to its SolrCloud functionalities.

Elasticsearch is available under the Apache 2 License.

Users opinions

FR Elias ABOU HAYDAR Rate this solution the 15/09/2014

“ Excellent serveur de moteur de recherche basé sur Lucene. ”

1 person has the same opinion
FR Grégory BECUE Rate this solution the 12/06/2014

“ Excellent produit qui apporte un souffle nouveau au monde du search. ”

1 person has the same opinion