update : 23/12/2020 Tomcat

Studied version : 7.0.47 Website http://tomcat.apache.org Distributed by : Foundation (Apache) Licence : License2 Technology : Java


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Apache Tomcat is the Apache Foundation's JEE servlets container. The Tomcat project was launched as the reference implementation of servlets by James Duncan Davidson, a software engineer at Sun.

It is the most widely used Java application server in the world and the prefered development server. Its admin interface is very succinct. Tomcat and its servlet container Catalina are used as a basis for a lot of other servers like TcServer, TomEE, etc.

Tomcat 8 is now in version RC5 and will soon support Servlet 3.1 and EL 3.0 specifications.
Tomcat is distributed under the Apache License.
It is written in Java.

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