update : 23/12/2020 Apache

Studied version : 2.4 Website http://httpd.apache.org Distributed by : Foundation (Apache) Licence : License2 Technology : C/C++ Year of creation : 1995


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Apache is the most widely used web server in the world. Its development began in 1995 as a mere collection of patches and additions for the NCSA HTTPd 1.3 server.

It offers tremendous flexibility in its configuration and a multitude of modules for functional cover that remains unparalleled today. Version 2a namely added multi-platform support (including Windows), a new API and support for IPv6. Over and above its initial scope, Apache was designed to be modular and to be able to host additional functionalities such as interpretation of Perl, PHP, Python and Ruby, support for SSI tags and CGIs, and so on.
It is distributed under the Apache License.

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