update : 23/12/2020 Subversion

Studied version : 1.8.5 Website http://subversion.apache.org/ Distributed by : Foundation (apache) Licenses : License2 ; License1 Technologies : C/C++; Python Year of creation : 2000


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Subversion (SVN) is a centralised version control system. A spin-off of CVS, its development was initialised in 2000 by the company CollabNet. It became an official Apache Foundation project in 2010.

A popular standard, it has been selected by many open source software communities. Numerous tools and resources are available to turn it to its best advantage. Apache Subversion was written to overcome the shortcomings of CVS on some implementation points. A number of additional functionalities have been included: directories and metadata are versioned, revision numbers are global across the entire data warehouse, files can be renamed and/or moved without losing their histories, commits are atomic, etc. The project keeps on introducing new features that make it a key actor, state of the art in centralized versionning systems.
Subversion is distributed under the Apache and BSD Licenses.
It is written in C.

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