update : 23/12/2020 Composer

Studied version : 1.0.0-alpha7 Website http://getcomposer.org/ Distributed by : community Licence : MIT Technology : PHP


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Composer is a PHP dependency management tool.

Composer allows you to declare the dependent libraries of PHP projects in a JSON file. Once the dependencies are specified, it is possible to install them, update them or add new ones with the command line. The main source of packages is the public repository packagist.org but it is also possible to use other sources such as a private server (Packagist of Satis) or a source repository (Git, mercurial or Subversion). Composer can also manage the loading of classes (autoload) transparently through the declarations of each package.

Composer is currently available in an alpha version. Nonetheless, the tool has already been unanimously adopted by major actors in PHP: Symfony 2, Magento2, Zend Framework 2, EZPublish 5 and more.

Composer is distributed under the MIT License.

Composer, Packagist and Satis are developed in PHP.

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