update : 23/12/2020 Ant

Studied version : 1.9.2 Website http://ant.apache.org Distributed by : Foundation (Apache) Licence : License2 Technology : Java Year of creation : 2000


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Ant ("Another Neat Tool") is a task automation tool used throughout the software development cycle. Ant was designed by James Duncan Davidson in 2000 (when the first version was released).

Ant allows for the automation of repetitive operations throughout a project, similarly to Make commands. Ant is mainly used in Java projects, although it can also be used in projects utilising other technologies. The tasks most commonly entrusted to Ant include external tool execution (like Checkstyle and FindBugs), documentation generation (Javadoc), programme compilation, archiving, back-ups, etc.
Ant is distributed under the Apache License and is supported by the foundation of the same name.
Ant is written in Java.

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