update : 23/12/2020 Hive

Studied version : 0.0.9 Website http://hive.apache.org Distributed by : Foundation (Apache ) Licence : License2 Technology : Java


Smile 4.5
Visitors 3.2
Global 3.9 5


Like Pig, Hive allows developers not proficient in Java to write data processing tasks. But where Pig has defined a procedural language used to work the cluster, Hive can define SQL type structured tables and feed them with data either from the cluster or from outside sources.

Once the table layout has been defined and the data inserted, the HiveQL language can be used to query those tables. HiveQL's syntax is similar to SQL and can be used to perform most of the read operations required for classic analyses (field selection, sum, total, sort, join, etc.).
Hive's biggest advantage is its ability to make use of the extremely widespread knowledge of SQL, giving developers a very fast learning curve for performing data extractions.

Users opinions

FR Mohammed LAHBOUB Rate this solution the 26/08/2014

“ J'utilise HIVE dans une environnement de production la dernière version a ce jour (0.13.1) contient pas mal de BUG mais il est plus stable. il faut comprendre le fonctionnement de Hive pour contourner les problèmes mais ça reste un projet ambitieux. mon expérience avec Hive est satisfaisante par rapport a nos objectifs technique ( construction des bases nosql complexe, utilisation de langage SQL(hiveql), ...) Je recommande Hive dans une environnement de développement pour l'instant. ”

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