update : 23/12/2020 Hadoop

Studied version : Website http://hadoop.apache.org Distributed by : Foundation (Apache ) Licence : License2 Technology : Java


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Hadoop has become the benchmark platform for writing applications to store and process decentralised data in batch mode.

Hadoop is presented as a framework that provides a number of key bricks to developers and administrators:

  •     The infrastructure components for the set-up of data storage and processing clusters. Data storage relies on HDFS, a distributed file system that houses data for processing;
  •     MapReduce: a distributed processing Java framework used to develop processing tasks to be performed on cluster data;
  •     Hadoop also supplies a set of tools that can launch and monitor tasks at the cluster level.

The main idea behind Hadoop is that HDFS automatically distributes the data across the cluster, and processing is performed as close as possible to the data level (a function made possible by MapReduce). In this way, data transfers are reduced to the strict minimum necessary.
Hadoop is written in Java and is supported by multiple US start-ups. Further, it has become a sort of de facto standard for writing data processing applications and has won over all of the major players in the sector.

Users opinions

FR Mohammed LAHBOUB Rate this solution the 26/08/2014

“ Je travail depuis plus d'1 an avec Hadoop et l'ecosystème Hortonworks, un système en constant évolution il manque des ressources sert mais il faut attendre quelques années encore pour avoir une solution complète. je tiens a dire que la distribution Cloudera et Hortonworks fournie une excellente documentation d'hadoop pour les débutants te les experts. ”

4 persons have the same opinion
FR Igor Ngouagna Rate this solution the 30/01/2014

“ Pour ma part le leader en matière d'outil de BigData. En constante évolution et offrant de plus en plus de possibilités, d'autant plus que le domaine est grandissant. Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas assez de ressources (humaines) adéquates. ”

7 persons have the same opinion