update : 23/12/2020 TWiki

Studied version : 5.1.2 Website http://twiki.org Distributed by : Enterprise (TWiki) Licence : GPL Technology : Perl


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TWiki is an open source software solution launched more than 10 years ago, that uses the principle of a wiki to build all sorts of collaborative applications, from document management to knowledge bases.  TWiki is an international project, used in over 100 countries. In France it enjoys a more modest success.

TWiki can be used as a structured wiki, but also as a development area, a document manager, an intranet, and so on. Developers can expand TWiki’s content and functionalities by means of its more than 400 extensions. In most cases, using TWiki requires no particular technical skills.
TWiki is distributed under the GPL v2.
It is a cgi-bin script written in Perl. The information contained in TWiki is stored in text files and converted to HTML on the fly.

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