update : 23/12/2020 PhpBB

Studied version : 3.0.11 Website http://www.phpbb.com Distributed by : community Licence : GPL Technology : PHP


Smile 3.7
Visitors 4.9
Global 4.3 5


phpBB is a tool in the forums family. In addition to the usual functions, phpBB can be used to create surveys, adverts and post-its, with the latter two locked at the top of the page for enhanced visibility.

Emoticons are used to make the content more visible. phpBB also handles an optional email system that can send notifications whenever a reply is posted on a subject (or subjects) tracked by the user. Where cookies are enabled, new messages (i.e. those posted since the last time the page was viewed) can quickly be accessed. Going a step further, a private messaging system between users eliminates the need to publish personal email addresses. BBCode (similar to HTML code) can be used in these messages for an enhanced layout. Graphically, there is complete support for different visual themes: the graphics segment is completely separate from the software itself, and so can be personalised at will.
phpBB is distributed under the GPL v2.
It is built on LAMP architecture and is written in PHP.

Users opinions

FR Yannick RECHT Rate this solution the 27/11/2014

“ La référence en matière de moteur de forum. Son seul défaut, depuis la version 3, une interface d'administration un peu trop complexe. ”

1 person has the same opinion
FR Egareg JAOUEN Rate this solution the 11/10/2013

“ C'est LE forum à utiliser : facile à mettre en place, à configurer et à maintenir. Thèmes variés, extensions diverses pour tous les publics : PhpBB reste la référence. ”

1 person has the same opinion