
Choose a license easily with choosealicense.com

The site choosealicense.com guides users in their choice of an open source license. When creating a program, you should choose a license. If no license is chosen, a default standard copyright will be applied, which prohibit the reuse of code.

If we want your code to be reproduced, distributed, used in derivative works, it is essential to choose an open source license. The website choosealicense.com proves that it is not so difficult.

License choice is based on the wishes of the user: Does the user favor simplicity? Do they attach importance to patents? Are sharing developments essential for them? Based on the wishes of the user, the site redirects them to the appropriate license.

choosealicense.com accesses several open source licenses: MIT, Apache and GPL, detailing their implications and explaining how to use them (the site shows what to include in the source code of the program).
